About TRT
TRT is a state television broadcast in Turkey and globally. It includes 18 international, national and regional television channels also, it has 15 radio stations broadcasting in Turkish, English and other languages. TRT operates worldwide with websites and television channels broadcasting in 41 different languages. TRT brings viewers together with sports channels it has in its structure and the teletext featur it offers. TRT brings all national and internatione sports competitions and organizations to the screen, live or on tape. TRT provide both national and international sports competition content to its users instantly, together with websites and mobile applications that broadcast in different languages.

TV Shows Content
TRT works with Broadage to deliver all kinds of sports-related data to its viewers in the most accurate and fastest way.
TRT brings many sports data such as standings, fixtures, match results etc. to its screens.
Web+Mobile Content
TRT works with Broadage to provide sports fans with sports competition data wherever the internet is accessible with its website and mobile application that broadcasts in many different languages.
TRT uses many Broadage widgets such as Live Score Ticker, Fixtures, Goals Leaderboard etc. on its websites and mobile applications.

Social Media - Content
TRT produces special content related to the sports world using many social media platforms. Thanks to Broadage, it converts the sports data obtained into visual or written content and presents it to all its users. TRT creates visual content and provides interaction using standings, fixture etc. data.